Boot Hill Update

Its not just cheats in this update!
As we announced in our roadmap, we’ve got another free update for Saints Row to get players ready for the chaos of Doc Ketchum’s Murder Circus DLC! Alongside adding the much-requested Cheats App– we have also been hard at work making yet more improvements to the game,including more achievements fixes, stability passes and further tweaks to challenges, plus lots more – check out the full details below:
Cheats App
Its time to cheat, the Cheats App has landed on your phone, Boss. Change your game experience in 38 new ways and toggle on and off as many as you like. The Cheats App is available from the start of the game: it includes 20 “clean” cheats that don’t affect your achievements or trophies, including changing the time of day, weather and screen effects as well as aggressive pedestrains and all-mascot pedestrians. And 18 “dirty” cheats, which include low gravity, infinite mass for vehicles spawning fancy cars more often and more fun stuff for you to play with. these will disable your ability to earn achievements and trophies but they dramatically change your game experience.
Note: When in co-op dirty cheats have to be activated by the host so your friends can’t disable your ability to earn achievements and trophies without your permission.
General Improvements
Added more UI into the process of creating a co-op game to ensure players know when this is possible.
Added a minor blood spray to walls when enemies are hit by projectiles in close proximity.
Reduced the heat haze visual effect in certain areas of the desert.
Evaluated and enhanced some perks that felt underpowered to bring them more in line with other competitive choices.
Added a load-screen tip regarding the ability to turn off weapon ultimate abilities.
Added a boost to Finisher Meter gain when the player is near death.
Added on-screen message when toggling from the “near” vehicle camera to the “far” vehicle camera.
Added a menu option to toggle appearance of the reticle when the HUD is hidden.
Clarified the tutorial for Chop Shop.
Added off-road kits to Panteros vehicles in the desert.
Adjusted the projectile speed of several weapons to hit much faster.
Added a toggle for Depth of Field while in Fine Aim to the Options menu.
Removed the check marks from the “Completed” missions tab.
Added new art to the top of the Playlist App.
Cleaned up some erroneous pixel distortion on edges of people in some visual sequences.
Increase windshield cannon chance for bikes to near 100%.
Increased the density of pedestrian vehicles during “Making Rent.”
Added several small improvements to the living world of “Morning Commute.”
Added some complexity to the escape sequence in “Making Rent.”
Fixed an issue with multiple activities not scaling based on the players current Timed Objective Difficulty settings.
Fixed an issue with the Highlight Contrast Mode full option occasionally making NPC colors desaturated upon rebooting the game.
Fixed an issue with Highlight methods being applied irregularly to vehicle presets in High Contrast Mode.
Fixed an issue with larger vehicles having noticeable trailing while FSR2 is enabled.
Fixed an issue with players not being granted the “A Young Empire” achievement while in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with players not being granted the "Quality Time” achievement while in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with achievement “Statement Pieces” triggering inconsistently.
General Fixes
Fixed an issue with game Crashing while wingsuiting in the Sunshine Springs District
Fixed an issue with players sometimes not being able to damage the police vans.
Fixed an issue with players not being able to back out or place buildings at the Criminal Venture Table Screen.
Fixed an issue with players not being able to see the same vehicles while in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with the Empire Table not being visible if the host is out of range while in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with players not getting their free cosmetic packs after being installed.
Fixed an issue with the weapon wheel not activating.
Fixed an issue with Crew Vehicle Customization On/Off button remaining blocked after enabling max number of vehicle types.
Fixed an issue with players being unable to open the style app after being killed by a train while on a bike.
Fixed and issue with multiple menus being opened at the same time by the player.
Fixed an issue with the “Clear HUD” button not working properly after being opened for a second time in the Camera.
Fixed an issue with lower back tattoo being cut off by the presence of an upper back tattoo.
Fixed an issue with the Select feature not working correctly in the Skin Types menu.
Fixed an issue with Tents disappearing when destroyed at the Idol’s Camp.
Fixed an issue with players outline rendering at lower resolutions.
Fixed and issue with game crashing if players spam the “Sort By” Button in the Browse Bosses and Favorite Bosses menus.
Fixed an issue with players rarely hitting a crash after selecting restart event in the Wingsuit Challenge.
Fixed an issue with the “O” button not advancing through completion interfaces on PlayStation consoles set to Japan.
Fixed an issue with Text not formatted correctly in different screens.
Fixed an issue with Drug Collects not being able to be collected.
Fixed an issue with Police Surveillance not completing once a player has destroyed the correct van.
Fixed an issue with player being directed to visit friendly fire the first time they unlock a signature weapon ability.
Fixed an issue with streetlamps still illuminating after being destroyed.
Fixed an issue with the RPG launcher and TOGO-13 Sniper rifle damage bars exceeding the max in the weapon screen when fully upgraded.
Fixed an issue with the game rendering past edges of the map on resolutions lower than 1920x1080 when completely zoomed out.
Fixed an issue with skills activating automatically when opening the skill wheel.
Fixed an issue with skills not showing the correct cost to use.
Fixed an issue with controller stick dead zones being reset to 15 when using restore to default.
Fixed an issue with Force Underwear being turned off when using restore to default.
Fixed an issue with Color Blind Mode being switched to Deuteranopia when using restore to default.
Fixed an issue with multiple K-8 Krukov AR rifles showing up in the shop.
Fixed an issue with the camera zooming out to full body when hovering over face tattoos.
Fixed an issue when backing out of the Chicken Dinner Cosmetic Pack DLC sending you to a blank screen.
Fixed an issue with PC exclusive settings being visible on consoles.
Fixed an issue with mission rewards being shown different between players while in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with Map icons disappearing after building multiple ventures.
Fixed an issue with cursor having limited range when zoomed out in the cell phone map.
Fixed an issue with vehicle radio station change button prompt not changing after player customizes their key bindings.
Fixed an issue with the Toy Hammer Skin reward missing text when completing all wanted instances.
Fixed an issue with player not being ejected by the windshield cannon in a bike when colliding with a vehicle at high speed.
Fixed an issue with jackets breaking permanently on a character.
Fixed an issue with MDI-50 Tac Shotgun being available as a skin for other shotguns.
Fixed an issue with player able to use the Pugnus Sanctus Dei ultimate ability while sprinting.
Fixed an issue with the “Back” Button on the DLC page playing the same sound effect.
Fixed an issue with camera acceleration being inconsistent when moving right stick back and forth on controllers.
Fixed an issue with playlist app replaying a paused playlist each time the game loads.
Fixed an issue with Vehicles HP not being present when damaged.
Criminal Ventures
Shady Oaks
Fixed an issue with players being able to recover in the air while doing Insurance Fraud.
Fixed an issue with players experiencing desync after completing an Insurance Fraud activity in Co-op.
Kakts Radio
Fixed an issue with encounters not completing after client wingsuit bounces off targets while in the Open World.
Fixed an issue with players not being able to progress the “Challenge Call to Marshall”.
Fixed an issue with players experiencing an infinite loading screen after completing a Chalupacabra mission.
Fixed an issue with enemies not attacking the player once the mission started.
Bright Future
Fixed an issue with Bright Future progression subtracting by one when loading back into a single player game after doing content in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with the UI for the intro behaving inconsistently.
Fixed an issue with toxic barrels remaining undamaged after toxic truck is destroyed.
Fixed an issue with the client not being able to enter a toxic truck after being in combat.
Fixed an issue with delivery objective not disappearing after all the barrels have exploded.
Fixed an issue with the train not showing up in time to complete the mission.
Fixed an issue with timer not being affected by the Timed Challenge Difficulty option being changed.
Wuzyerz Repo
The marker at the Wuzyer Repo remains active if the towed vehicle is destroyed before delivery.
Fixed an issue with vehicle delivery not completing if the player is killed and revived while in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with the engine not being able to be tethered.
Fixed an issue with the player being unable to respawn after dying to a VTOL explosion while in the air.
Planet Saints
Fixed an issue with players not getting notoriety during Planet Saints if the client enters the Truck during Co-op.
First Strike Dojo
Fixed an issue with enemies getting stuck in containers if player uses the flaming punch skill at them.
Fixed an issue with the client being unable to complete the Special Ability challenges for the MDI-77 and the MDI-68 Rifles.
Fixed an issue with progress not counting for the client when attempting to complete the Chalupacabra challenge pack.
Fixed an issue with the progress not counting for client when attempting to complete the Terminal Velocity challenge.
Fixed an issue with the progress not counting for the client when using the Dustlander Sword.
Fixed an issue with masks not giving player credit for the “Purchase an Item” store challenge at the “Dia de Muertos” store.
Fixed an issue with progress not updating for player when attempting to complete the Wing It! Challenge in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with player spawning in HQ before spawning in the helicopter if killed after starting the wingsuit challenge.
Fixed an issue with players losing weapon functionality when trying to steal a stopped faction car.
Fixed an issue with Heavy deaths taking difficulty modifiers into account.
Fixed an issue with Notoriety not clearing when in combat with multiple factions.
Adjusted health and shield values for specific Idols and Police SWAT grunts.
Fixed an issue with enemy fragmentation grenades doing more damage.
Fixed an issue with melee enemies idling while in combat with the player.
Fixed an issue with the Marshall Gatling Gunner continuing to shoot after being knocked back by the Pain and Gain.
Fixed an issue with Panteros Bombers Molotov not working correctly.
Fixed an issue with Panteros Bomber continuing to hold on to the Molotov after throwing it in combat.
Fixed an issue with Pain and Gain being unable to fire while out of special ammo.
Fixed an issue with player entering and remaining in Fine aim if triggering prop with the last bullet in magazine.
Fixed an issue with hitscan weapons not registering hits when the target is close to the player.
Fixed an issue with weapons not triggering heavy deaths.
Fixed an issue with Wastelander Grunts health and shields.
Fixed an issue with notoriety not clearing while player is holding a boss weapon.
Making Rent
Fixed an issue with the Panteros entering an Avoid Combat state while at the junkyard fight.
Observe and Report
Fixed an issue with enemies being stuck stopping progression of the mission.
The Peter Principle
Fixed an issue with mission not progressing if the client joins the Gala while the host remains at the start of the mission while in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with floating wall debris being seen after blowing up the wall.
Office Décor
Fixed an issue with NPCs not starting the mission dialogue if the player fast travels after starting the mission.
Fixed an issue with parked cars clipping into trash containers next to train depot.
Fixed an issue with rewards missing from the missions app screen.
Aggressive Recruiting
Fixed an issue with the Grenade launcher projectiles exploding too soon.
Idol Threats
Fixed an issue with players being able to displace Kevin out of his chair with the Pain and Gain gun.
Fixed an issue with lights being occasionally to bright, making it difficult to see.
Fixed an issue with the objective bar being improperly displayed during the “Wreck the Idol’s Camp” objective.
The Frontier
Fixed an issue with players making the dead Marshall NPCs stand up by shooting them with the Pain and Gain weapon while in the Nahualli’s cell room.
After the Party
Fixed an issue with player getting a checkpoint reset when using the snowball emote.
Shootin’ the Shit
Fixed an issue with players getting a mission timer after the first player enters Eli’s Vehicle while in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with player spawning outside mission area while in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with mission failing if player dies on mission start area.
Fixed an issue with Eli being overpowered.
Fixed an issue with enemies stop chasing or will not chase the player during the “Escape Marshall Notoriety” objective.
Fixed an issue with enemy vehicles spawning behind player even after clearing notoriety.
Fixed an issue with enemies getting stuck stopping progression of the mission.
The Fast and the Foodiest
Fixed an issue with vehicles having their handbrakes locked during the mission.
Fixed an issue with game not progressing after player restarts from checkpoint in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with FB’s car exploding on collision after killing the driver.
Fixed an issue with ambient faction NPC’s being left over from second fight at FB’s.
Fixed an issue with the player losing movement functionality if Kevin dies during “Go to the drive-thru window” at second FB’s.
Fixed an issue with Kev no longer shooting at the vehicle.
Art Appreciation
Fixed an issue with the mission not failing when Neenah’s car is destroyed.
Fixed an issue with the client not seeing the Police Aggro range on the minimap.
Fixed an issue with police cars ignoring the player entering marked zones.
Fixed an issue with the player not failing the mission when getting out the car at the second statue.
Unto the Beach
Fixed an issue with the player losing functionality after completing the QTE at the end of the mission.
Fixed an issue with missing objective prompt for the player.
Fixed an issue with a delay in voice lines while doing the Millennials mission in Co-op.
Stiff Competition
Fixed an issue with Z-fighting during the cinematic.
Fixed an issue with client being able to move during the post cinematic while in Co-op.
Identity Theft
Fixed an issue with Chris Hardy stopping right before arriving at Neenah’s location.
My Game, My Rules…
Fixed an issue with helicopter pilots being shot out of helicopter with single firing the helicopter gun.
Side Hustles
Fixed and issue with enemies not showing up after both players review a location in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with players being able to start @tcha missions after starting a main mission from their phone.
Fixed an issue with the Rojas South Desert instance of @tcha.
Fixed an issue with Chicken Ned’s enemies combat being inconsistent with the difficulty of the mission.
Fixed an issue with the host not being attacked by enemies while near the pickup truck objective in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with game crashing if players continuously hit the X button while loading into a Choplifting mission.
Pony Express
Fixed an issue with game crashing when aborting Pony Express mission.
Fixed an issue with the finish with time left bonus objective showing 600000 seconds when the “No Time Limits” setting is turned on.
Wingsuit Saboteur
Fixed an issue with the client being unable to perform wingsuit takedowns while in the wingsuit saboteur tutorial in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with bullets disappearing from inventory after completing an instance of wingsuit saboteur.
Fixed an issue with player not being spawned correctly if they warp back to the chopper before the victory screen.
Pineapple Express
Fixed an issue with skill not doing splash damage at higher difficulties.
Dual Wield
Fixed an issue with Dual Wield becoming inactive after entering and exiting a vehicle.
Fixed an issue with player losing 50% of their magazine when entering a vehicle while Dual Wield is active.
Fixed an issue with Handcannon .44 having half magazine when purchased from the store while the perk is active.
Fixed an issue with Helicopter’s cannon damaging or killing another Helicopters pilot through fuselage from any frontal angle.
Fixed an issue with vehicle spawning in the garage if client drives vehicle into the garage while host is the passenger in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with players experiencing a loss of functionality if switching from back to front of a bike while another player is getting on the same bike.
Fixed an issue with players experiencing desync when trying to enter players flipped car while in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with players experiencing limited controller functionality when entering the APC after the player had been removed by NPCS while in Co-op.
Fixed the sounds made by food truck when sitting on the hood.
Fixed an issue with turret SFX still firing after player switches seat with homie.
Fixed an issue with far view camera stuttering when colliding with high signs and bridges.
Fixed an issue with the vehicle delivery service not delivering to the player when they are not on a road.
Fixed an issue with cars clipping inside the church’s walls if the player exits the garage while the other player exits before and does not move while in Co-op.
Fixed an issue with the recent tab not showing the correct version of the player’s car.
Fixed an issue with the radio stations having placeholder channel names and wrong frequency when observed in a vehicle.
Fixed an issue with tow guides being active for the jet ski.
Fixed an issue with signature abilities not turning on after completing the corresponding challenges.
As always – if you spot something that doesn’t seem right, please head to so we can properly investigate the issue!