HQ and City
Marie Kondo who?

Its not just about getting the best Boss ever, we also have some tricks up our sleeves with regards to HQ and the way you build your criminal empire. Not gonna lie it’s pretty cool. Make everything uniquely yours as you take control of Santo Ileso.
There’s no place like HQ
Once you have unlocked it, The Saints Church becomes yours to do what you will with. As it’s your base of operations, wardrobe, garage, war-room and party centre of the universe (Idols who?). As you progress through the story, you get the means to renovate it to reach its full Saints power. Find and photograph collectibles in Santo Ileso and you can own that thing in your HQ (just don’t think about it too hard). As you progress through your quest to take over Santo Ileso, you are rewarded with more decorative items that really make your home, yours. Nice cannon you got there… that would look great in the bar dontcha think?
We built this city…
For the first time, your criminal ventures help to shape the city. You choose where to build your totally-legit businesses. If you are feeling like a total troll, you can build Bright Future Disposals in a really affluent part of town, a weapons exchange in the shopping district or just a massive monument to your own ego, a Saints Tower, right in the middle. The world is your oyster!