Santo Ileso News
Check out all the Game Informer coverage!

In case you missed it – there has been loads of new updates for Saints Row from Game Informer. Covering Criminal Ventures, Side Hustles and activities, co-op and loads more! We have collected them all for your viewing pleasure to make sure you are kept up to date with the latest straight outta Santo.
Early game missions
We let Game Informer have an exclusive first hands on with some of the missions in Saints Row – check out the video.
Saints Row Hands On Impressions
Want to know what Game Informer thought when they played the game? Well now you can!
The World Of Santo Ileso
Take a look around our brand new city – Santo Ileso.
Meet the Characters
A little more about the characters, their motivations and how they become Saints
Read the full Characters article
Building an empire
Criminal Ventures are how you fight your way to the top! Check out a few of them!
Read the Empire Building article
Side Hustles
Not content with just building an empire, there is a wealth of side hustles and activities to do in Santo Ileso.
Here is everything we can tell you right now:
Read the full Customisation article
Always best with a friend
Check out how you can enjoy being a badass Saint with a friend with drop-in/drop-out co-op!
Driving and Car Combat
Our driving has been fine tuned for this game, plus we have added car combat, where you can side swipe enemy vehicles off the road (or into flames, up to you), and new ways you can engage in combat while in charge of heavy machinery. Check it out in action.
Flying without wings
Well…. with a wingsuit anyway. Our brand new wingsuiting mechanic makes getting where you need to be a breeze! Check out Boss wingsuiting through Santo Ileso.
Rapid Fire questions with Jeremy Bernstein, Lead Mission Narrative Designer
Watch Jeremy answer questions quickly – including miming what it’s like to use our most outlandish weapon.