Cheating is Eating
The Cheats App is here!
You have all been asking about the addition of Cheats to Saints Row – and guess what – we have delivered. Customize your game experience with 38 toggleable cheats made with fun in mind. Clean cheats will preserve your ability to save and earn achievements and Trophies, and Dirty cheats will disable them, so you have a choice – are you gonna be clean as a whistle, or down and dirty (OR BOTH) – check out all the cheats included and what they do:
Clean Cheats:
First Aid – Heals the Boss to full.
Roadside Assistance – Restores the Boss’ current vehicle to full. Note: It does not fix the appearance of damage, just the actual HP bar.
Mascot City – After this is enabled, new pedestrians will start spawning as mascots!
Anger Management – This will make pedestrians aggressive to everything: You, cops, each other. It’s just general chaos. And we love to see it.
Pratfall – The Boss will ragdoll when hit, just like in insurance fraud.
Ascension – Dead Bodies will “float” away.
Screen Effects
Screen Effect – Black and White – Sets the world to grey scale.
Screen Effect – Night Vision – Sets the world to look like you are wearing night vision goggles, green and grainy.
Screen Effect – Noir – This gives the feel of old silent movies. Including some dust flecks and flicker.
Screen Effect – Retro - Adds a subtle pixilation to all of the world. Live that 80’s fantasy.
Screen Effect – Vaporwave - Turns the world Pinky-purple. Looks very cool at night.
Screen Effect – Sepia – Like old west style photos. Its Rootin’ Tootin’.
Screen Effect – Steamboat – Is….well, it’s steamboat. It is Noir, with a sweet music track, and some silly animation….on everything. It is just silly. if you know, you know.
Weather – Clear Skies – Instantly clears the clouds from the sky.
Weather – Dust Storm – Whips up a dust storm.
Weather – Fog – Switches to a foggy state (works well with Vaporwave Screen Effect at night downtown.
Note: all screen effects are mutually exclusive. You can only have one active at a time. In co-op the host and partner player can have different effects active at the same time.
Dirty Cheats:
Dirty cheats are more likely to introduce totally unpredictable interactions, so have fun! Just be aware these can totally break the game (as can some Clean cheats) and so they’ll also disable saves and achievement progress.
Lottery Ticket – Gives you 10k dollars at the click of a button.
Infinite Ammo – Provides unlimited reserves. You still have to reload, but you’ll never run out.
Godlike – Makes the Boss Invincible.
G.O.A.T. – Sets Boss’s level to maximum.
Milk Bones – Gives all melee attacks, melee weapon attacks, and kicks enough power to send enemies flying. We can’t wait to see your clips f this.
Lethal Weapon – Guns now one shit kill enemies.
Exotic Imports – Will start to spawn high end super cars around the Boss. This takes a little time to see it in effect.
Big Wheels – Will start to spawn beater vehicles (that you might see getting crushed at a monster truck rally) and monster trucks around the Boss.
Super Saints – Increases the damage the Saints deal.
Valet Parking – Will spawn the currently set favorite vehicle in front of the Boss.
Mass Effect – Gives vehicles infinite mass. This will probably break a lot of things – have fun.
Bottomless Tank – Unlimited boost on wheeled vehicles.
Moving Violations – This is deceptively tame, drivers just won’t stop at traffic lights and stop signs. Rules – who needs ‘em?
Low Gravity – Vehicles will weigh a bit less. This makes them jump higher.
Amnesty – Police – Clears police notoriety.
Amnesty Factions – Clears Faction notoriety.
Most Wanted – Police – Adds police notoriety.
Most Wanted Factions – Adds Faction notoriety for the district you are currently in.
Why not combine some, create your own cursed hellscape in which to play? There’s bound to be the combination for your maximum enjoyment. We cannot wait to see what y’all come up with. Make sure you send clips of your favorite moments to us on or social channels @saintsrow.